Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Defying Gravity

Here I am back in Blog Land!

Lots of exciting things on the horizon for 'Pretty Hurts'! In the meantime I am going to take you on a journey where I try to defy gravity!  Ahh... think I am going to talk about my aerial tissue endeavors and how amazing they are and show you pictures?  Not today! I have much more exciting gravity-defying things to share.

Obviously, we all know I work in the Aesthetics business.  RR Aesthetics specializes in Cosmetic Injectables. We are extremely happy to also have Dr. Leif Rogers in our office who has several different lasers. Guess who signed up for the laser that they say "definitely hurts"? It's me and I am beyond excited!

So the name of the Laser is the Ulthera. I'm scheduled tomorrow for my treatment!! The Ulthera is an ultrasound laser that targets below the skins surface. The ultrasound is set to different depths to irritate the SMAS.  What is the SMAS you ask?  Let me help you out...

SMAS is an abbreviation for the Submuscular Aponeurotic System. The SMAS is a layer of tissue which covers the deeper structures of the cheek area and is linked to the superficial muscle covering the lower face and neck, called the platysma.

Do you understand?  It's the layers beneath the skin ... and the ultrasound from the Ulthera is going to irritate the SMAs.  This causes the SMAS to contract! Hence the Ulthera is going to help lift and tighten my face and neck. That is what will be trying to defy gravity.

I am really excited and a little nervous!  We have our RN Elissa Tober who is going to do the treatment for me. She is fantastic and we have done a great pre-treatment consult so I know what to expect. I have been instructed to have someone pick me up after the procedure as there are medications to make you more comfortable with the treatment. I'm pretty sure I'll be a bit loopy tomorrow; I will try and write when I get home after the treatment.

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