Thursday, March 24, 2011

L.A. Marathon- and it was Pouring!

First of all I want to send out an amazing heartfelt, bear hug, warm fuzzy .... to all those who ran the L.A. Marathon. It takes a person with a dream and drive to be able to run a marathon. For those of you not in L.A. ..... IT WAS A RAINING CATS AND DOGS AND GERBILS AND BEAVERS!  Where's my ark?  It was WET!

Now I must say that Marathon running is not my thing. I am sure there are many many people who have run the L.A. Marathon and other Marathons before.... but to those running it for the first time - I salute you!  That takes a lot!  It's gotta be harder than stilt walking!

So Team to End AIDS has 'cheerleaders ' set up along the West Hollywood run route to cheer on runners as they make the 26-mile journey from downtown L.A. to the ocean.  This year I was proud to support the runners with my fellow Stilt Circus members. 

My first text message to my fellow stilt members this morning read "Looks Rainy?"  Jen's reply was "Supposed to rain this afternoon."  So we decided to pack it up and head on down!  I had worked so hard on my cute runner stilt outfit that I really was excited to be there.  We packed the car and noticed it's starting to sprinkle a bit.  We took the back roads through the Hollywood Hills (way to go with the mappage Rob!) and park near the Mile 15 marker for the race.

The discussion begins ... should we go up on stilts?  Jen reply's .... "I need an umbrella" and I'm in agreement.  We hop into the (very conveniently located) store and bought over-priced umbrellas.   Umbrellas in hand ... We decide to carefully put on our stilts and give it a try.  Hmmm... I'm getting wetter by the moment ... this umbrella is terribly small ... OH there goes a runner!  And another and another! Pretty soon we are up there cheering and making people smile.

I have never been on my stilts in the rain.  It was pouring.  It was soaking everyone to the skin but we were all there TOGETHER!  I am happy to have taken this new adventure with all of those who dared to do something that in my mind is the ultimate challenge!

Enjoy our Photos ... Check out me in my 'PRETTY HURTS' shirt tooo


PS - Safety is always 1st. I had on all my safety gear and at no time felt uncomfortable. No need to worry Mom!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Howdy Prettys!

The Men & Women from above have spoken!

LOGO TV is pleased to announce... Pretty Hurts Official Premier Date!!! (click for details)

Set your DVR, Call your Mom, Call MY Mom!
MONDAY MAY 9th, 2011

10pm on the LOGO Channel
(That's 9pm Central in Wisconsin, Mom!)
Check your local listings for the Channel

Hope the world gets a small glimpse of us at the NewNowNext Awards in April too!

Monday, March 14, 2011

People already LOVE us!

So all of the Pretty People we see here in the office seem to be just as excited as us about the launch of the 'Pretty Hurts' show! (That's May 9th on the LOGO for those of you who are behind the times!)

Look at the amazing shirts one of our fantastic Prettys has sent us!

OK, so I am wearing my sunglasses inside ... but I wanted to show you the shirts right away!  They are those sexy burnout type of shirts and the "Pretty Hurts" and "Ouch" are in copper glitter!

Much love to all of those who support us!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This could only Happen in LA....

I'm driving home up Highland Ave in Hollywood at 630pm on a Tuesday. Traffic is really heavy.  In one spot traffic is having to scoot around this black sports car.  Stupid people with stalled cars should use their hazard lights!   Stalled there smack in the middle lane on busy Highland. *sigh*  As I drive by I look over and realize the lights are on and I can see a the shadow of... a man's head resting against the head rest ... Mouth agape. 
Yikes! So I whip around the block. As I pull next to the still-sitting car and whip on my hazards. As I do another chick pulls up too. She saw the same thing. So I dial 911 and promptly get put on hold.

While we are holding our breaths. We are banging on the car and yelling. No response ... For the 1st 3 min....
Then FINALLY. Dude wakes up. Dazed he rolls down the window and STINKS like pot. He is dazed and eyes are blodshot. Mother toker is stoned, passed out while stuck in traffic.

A nice tow truck driver comes by now to assist us 2 cute ladies standing in traffic. At which point in time stoner gets on his phone .... ON HIS PHONE!!!
and says " I'm late and I gotta go" and drives off.

Tow truck guy follows him for at least a half mile.

911 does not pick up during this whole episode!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yesterday was National Pancake Day!

I was sitting at the office yesterday seeing patients and doing office things. Curt called to talk to me about a meeting or something for Rand.  At the end of our conversation he says "Happy National Pancake Day!"  We both giggled about it for a few (this includes me asking Curt if he is sitting at his new office ... IHOP).

Rand comes out after seeing one of the cutest patients (EVER I must say)

I proclaim "It's National Pancake Day!"

Rand replies "Well then I guess we are having pancakes for lunch!"

Mmmmmm!  What a fantastic idea!  We scoot down to the Brighton Cafe. I've never had their pancakes before!  They are just the most delish thing on the planet today! Is it because it is their day to shine? Are pancakes across the world making themselves extra tasty so we can appreciate them more on National Pancake Day?  Making us long for them when we are having one of our silly "No Carb" stints as it is closer to Summer.

To make this day even sillier ... We proceeded to get pancakes-to-go and took them back to the office for everyone!

Ha ... Since I do Circus ... i even know a guy who juggles pancakes!

So here is one last HURRAY for the pancake ... until next year.