Thursday, January 6, 2011

The most wonderful cookies EVER!

Ok ...

So NO you can't have any!
NO you can't buy them anywhere!

One of our fantastic clients is not a chef ... nor a professional baker ... nor a caterer.  She is a cookie FAIRY, she makes chocolate chip cookies TO DIE FOR!  There is fighting in the office!  We hoard them! I sneak some out of Rand's bag ... even though I have a bag of my own.  (Please don't tell!)  She only makes them for special people a few times a year!

I freeze them right when I get them home.  For an extra special treat I take one out and microwave it for 7 seconds. It's like they just came out of the oven.  One time, Craig, not realizing how much of a specialty item they were (and how much a cookie monster Craig is) ate more than his share of the PRECIOUS!!    I had to explain to him, as if i was trying to get a child to understand, These are special cookies.

MMMMmmmm ... Cookies!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

I am super excited!  LOGO has started creating our Pretty Hurts Facebook page!  Come join and follow us as we get ready for our 1st season!

Come join us on Facebook!